Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Fuzzy Face Routine

It began one morning last week…Everything changed.

I was in the nursery with Reese and I was lying on my back in the middle of the room. Reese was playing with some of her toys as I was enjoying a few moments of peace before the day began to get hectic. And then I felt something fuzzy brushing against my cheek and nose. Thankfully, it wasn’t a cat (we don’t have one) or a dog (we don’t have one of those either). It was Reese. She was leaned over me and was tickling my face with her hair while giggling.

Some back story might help this make sense. For quite awhile now I have had a routine that I play with Reese called “the fuzzy face.” It’s not a complicated routine. When Reese is on her back I’ll lean over her and use the hair on my head to tickle her face. Occasionally this routine is accompanied with simple comments like, “Uh oh, here comes the fuzzy face” or the more elaborate “Psst, Reese, I heard there might be a fuzzy face nearby, keep your eyes peeled. Oh no! The fuzzy face is here!” It always gets a few giggles out of her or, at the very least, a big smile.  

And that’s what made this moment so huge. For the first time, Reese took one of my routines and turned it back around on me. The possibilities for the future are now both exciting and terrifying! What happens when she goes from crawling to walking, and then to dancing…are any of my trademark goofy dances safe? And what about when she starts talking? What will I do when she discovers bad jokes and puns and learns how to use them in the most annoying and ridiculous ways?! What then…what then?

But I’m very proud of her too. She’s learning, just like she’s supposed to. Over the years I know a lot of my personality, traits, talents, and ideas are going to rub off on her and become part of who she is….but only a part. The rest of her is up to her. As her dad, I look forward to seeing the ideas, interests, and passions that she’ll choose for herself.  I want to know what she’ll like that has nothing to do with me or my experiences. Sometimes I’ll be thrilled, other times I’ll be disappointed, but most of the time I’ll probably just be confused as my parents were with me.  And that’s okay too. We’ll figure it out.  I’m on the front end of a finite amount of time that she’ll be in my care. And I know from countless conversations with other parents that she’ll be grown and gone before I know it. In the meantime, however, I’ll be here to guide her with as much wisdom, creativity, and patience as I can muster.

But for now, Reese, when you see the opportunity, keep giving me the fuzzy face. It makes me smile too.

More days to come.