Sunday, April 13, 2014

One of many “In-Betweens”

Reese can’t crawl…yet. Despite being new to the stay-at-home-parent gig, I can definitely see the value of Reese staying in the spot that I put her. I don’t have to worry about her trying to get into a cabinet or cupboard, my electronics are currently all safe, and there’s not any danger just yet of her seriously hurting herself on one of the many tools I have in the garage. All things that I’m sure I will worry about quite a bit as her mobility increases.

However, even though Reese isn’t old enough to crawl, she is old enough to become bored with being stuck in one spot. When the boredom starts to overcome her, she can roll around to shift positions a bit, but that usually just gets her off of the blanket or mat and away from her toys…making life even more boring.

Mobility versus immobility.

Two very specific stages and Reese is smack dab in between them. The days of being content with lying on her back staring up at the pretty stuffed giraffe on the string are gone. But the days of being able to move from one side of the room to the other aren’t quite here yet either. The result: frustration.

I can relate.

I too am in between. One job has ended but the next one hasn’t begun yet. But unlike Reese, I have the benefit of experience. I’ve been through my share of these types of in betweens. And even though they don’t get easier, accepting them as a vital part of life does get easier.  I know that there are some parts of the process that I can control, but many that I cannot. For those parts, I have to remind myself daily to trust in God knowing that He is bigger than me, smarter than me, and has better for me than I could ever create on my own.  And that’s the lesson that I look forward to teaching Reese as she continues to grow.

In the meantime, Reese, I’ll help you along through this specific in between. Sometimes you’ll need to stay in the spot I put you while I work on something. Sometimes you’ll need to struggle and roll around to make yourself stronger.

But other times, when you’re angry and frustrated, I’ll come over and pick you up. I’ll carry you around for a bit, showing you different things, teaching you about the world around you, and I’ll take you to someplace new. You’ll know that I’m here and that I’m looking out for you.

And that’ll be true even after you learn how to crawl.

More days to come.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your posts. This one made me cry because I am "In-Between" as well. :( Trying to have faith and trust that the Lord has something awesome waiting for me can be hard somedays but it will happen in His timing.

    I look forward to reading your future posts. Oh, and Murron misses you on Saturdays. Thank you for being so amazing and pouring into the children the way you did.
